import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import os import sys from struct import unpack class mlp: """ Multilayer perceptron using back propagation of error (only one hidden layer) """ def __init__(self): self.learning_rate = 0.8 self.number_of_hidden_layer = 1 #always must be 1 self.number_of_input_unit = 2 self.number_of_output_unit = 1 self.number_of_hidden_unit = 5 self.activation_function_name = 'sigmoid' self.max_epoch = 30000 self.max_error = 2 self.number_of_train_sample = 100 self.epoch =0 self.print_each_n_epoch = 100 def train(self, sample, target): print('starting train routine....') v_activation_function = np.vectorize(self.activation_function) v_activation_function_derivative=np.vectorize(self.activation_function_derivative) self.epoch = 0 weights_array_ih = np.random.rand(self.number_of_input_unit+1, self.number_of_hidden_unit) - 0.5 weights_array_ho = np.random.rand(self.number_of_hidden_unit+1, self.number_of_output_unit) - 0.5 z_in = np.zeros((1,self.number_of_hidden_unit)) #be tedade selool haaye makhfi dar laye makhfi z = np.zeros((1,self.number_of_hidden_unit)) # for computing result of activation function on z_in y_in = np.zeros((1,self.number_of_output_unit)) # number of output unit y = np.zeros((1,self.number_of_output_unit)) delta_out=np.zeros((1,self.number_of_output_unit)) delta_weights_array_ho = np.zeros((self.number_of_hidden_unit+1,self.number_of_output_unit)) delta_in = np.zeros((1,self.number_of_hidden_unit)) delta = np.zeros((1,self.number_of_hidden_unit)) delta_weights_array_ih = np.zeros((self.number_of_input_unit+1,self.number_of_hidden_unit)) error_count = self.number_of_train_sample while (error_count > self.max_error): for i in range(0, self.number_of_train_sample): input_array = np.append(sample[i, :], 1) z_in = np.sum( weights_array_ih * np.tile(input_array,(self.number_of_hidden_unit, 1)).T, axis=0) z = v_activation_function(z_in) y_in = np.sum(np.tile(np.append(z, 1), (self.number_of_output_unit, 1)).T * weights_array_ho , axis=0) y = v_activation_function(y_in) # now we want to backpropagete the error for k in range(0, self.number_of_output_unit): delta_out[0, k] = (target[i, k] - y[k] ) * v_activation_function_derivative(y_in[k]) z_temp = np.append(z, 1) for j in range(0, self.number_of_hidden_unit+1): delta_weights_array_ho[j, k] = self.learning_rate * z_temp[j] * delta_out[0,k] for j in range(0, self.number_of_hidden_unit): delta_in[0, j] = 0 for k in range(0, self.number_of_output_unit): delta_in[0, j] = delta_in[0, j] + delta_out[0, k] * weights_array_ho[j, k] delta[0, j] = delta_in[0, j] * v_activation_function_derivative(z_in[j]) for j in range(0, self.number_of_hidden_unit): delta_weights_array_ih[:, j] = self.learning_rate * delta[0, j] * input_array #update the weights weights_array_ih = weights_array_ih + delta_weights_array_ih weights_array_ho = weights_array_ho + delta_weights_array_ho #end of for self.epoch += 1 #print out each 100 epoch error_count = self.mlp_usage(weights_array_ih,weights_array_ho, self.validate_sample, self.validate_target) if (self.epoch % self.print_each_n_epoch==0): print("Running {} Epoch with {} error(s)".format(self.epoch, error_count)) #end of while print("After running {} Epoch, finished with {} error(s)".format(self.epoch, error_count)) self.v = weights_array_ih self.w = weights_array_ho def test(self, v, w, test_sample, test_target): error_count = 0 v_activation_function = np.vectorize(self.activation_function) siz = test_sample.shape for i in range(0, siz[0]): input_array = np.append(test_sample[i, :], 1) x = np.tile(input_array, ( self.number_of_hidden_unit, 1)).T z_in = np.sum(x * v , axis = 0) z = v_activation_function(z_in) z = np.append(z, 1) z = np.tile(z, ( self.number_of_output_unit, 1)).T y_in = np.sum(z * w, axis=0) y = v_activation_function(y_in) #we have used a thereshold for ultimate result. result above 0.9 means 1 and below 0.1 means zero but another approach is to use round method. y[y[:]>0.9] = 1 y[y[:]<0.1] = 0 if (sum(y==test_target[i])!=len(y)): error_count += 1 print('test target is: ' + str(test_target[i]) + ' and y is :' + str(y)) #end of for return error_count def plot(self, data): class1 = data[ data[:,2]==np.float64(1), 0:2] class2 = data[ data[:,2]==np.float64(0), 0:2] v = self.v.T x = np.linspace(0, 1, 11) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.set_autoscale_on(False) plt.title("MLP(learning_rate={},max_error={},epoch={},hidden_unit={})".format(self.learning_rate, self.max_error, self.epoch, self.number_of_hidden_unit)) plt.plot(class1[:,0],class1[:,1],'b+') plt.plot(class2[:,0],class2[:,1],'rx') for i in range(0, self.number_of_hidden_unit): y = ((-1*v[i, 0]/v[i, 1] ) * x )- (v[i, 2]/v[i, 1]); plt.plot(x,y,'-') #end of for plt.yticks(x) plt.xticks(x) def activation_function(self, data): return 1.0/(1+ math.exp(-data)) def activation_function_derivative(self, data): t = self.activation_function(data) return t * (1 - t) def mlp_usage(self, v, w, sample, target): error_count = 0 v_activation_function = np.vectorize(self.activation_function) siz = sample.shape for i in range(0, siz[0]): input_array = np.append(sample[i, :], 1) x = np.tile(input_array, ( self.number_of_hidden_unit, 1)).T z_in = np.sum(x * v , axis = 0) z = v_activation_function(z_in) z = np.append(z, 1) z = np.tile(z, ( self.number_of_output_unit, 1)).T y_in = np.sum(z * w, axis=0) y = v_activation_function(y_in) y[y[:]>0.9] = 1 y[y[:]<0.1] = 0 if (sum(y==target[i])!=len(y)): error_count += 1 #end of for return error_count def driver(self): #define sample and target here #sample, target my_data = np.genfromtxt('data.txt'); sample = my_data[:,0:2]; target = np.zeros((self.number_of_train_sample,self.number_of_output_unit)) target[:,0] = my_data[:,2]; sample_size = len(my_data) self.validate_sample = sample[0:30] self.validate_target = target[0:30] #we use all the sample for both train and test which is a wrong approach. you can use 70% for training and 30% for testing. self.number_of_train_sample = 100 self.train(sample, target) print('Now starting to test the weights on ' + str(self.number_of_train_sample) + ' test data...') error_count = self.test(self.v, self.w, sample, target) print('Finish test with {} error out of '.format(error_count)+ str(self.number_of_train_sample) +' test sample') self.plot(my_data); if __name__=="__main__": a = mlp(); a.driver();